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运营商合建基站公司 中移动面临政策压力:问鼎app官方下载

发布时间:2025-02-05 13:30:02点击量:748
本文摘要:China Mobile, the worlds largest wireless carrier by subscribers, is feeling the pinch of increasing pressure from the Chinese government, which is striving to reduce the companys dominance in China. 中国政府于是以希望巩固中国移动(China Mobile)在国内市场的主导地位,后者于是以日益感受到来自政府的压力。

China Mobile, the worlds largest wireless carrier by subscribers, is feeling the pinch of increasing pressure from the Chinese government, which is striving to reduce the companys dominance in China. 中国政府于是以希望巩固中国移动(China Mobile)在国内市场的主导地位,后者于是以日益感受到来自政府的压力。按用户数计算出来,中国移动是全球仅次于的电信运营商。The latest policy headwind is its talks with the other two state-controlled carriers China Unicom and China Telecom to set up a joint venture to build and manage telecommunications infrastructures in China. 中国移动面对的一项近期政策阻力是:该公司于是以与其他两家国有运营商中国联通(China Unicom)和中国电信(China Telecom)辩论重新组建一家合资公司,负责管理建设和管理中国国内的电信基础设施。

The discussions-- likely directed by the government-- match with Premier Li Keqiangs stated goals to reform state-owned enterprises by boosting competition. Bloomberg News中国移动一家营业网点中展出的手机。上述合资事宜有可能由政府引领。

中国总理李克强曾回应将通过提升竞争推展国有企业改革,筹设合资公司的措施与这一目标完全一致。While the planned joint venture could help enhance the sharing of resources and reduce the costs for future network expansion, dominant carrier China Mobile may lose its strength in network coverage as it is likely to share its extensive network with the smaller rivals, said analysts. 分析师回应,尽管计划筹设的合资公司有可能有助提升资源共享的程度并减少今后改建网络的成本,但此举有可能令其占有主导地位的中国移动与规模较小的竞争对手共享其可观网络,造成其失去网络覆盖优势。

China Mobile, which has reported declines in earnings, had a head start on speedier fourth-generation mobile services in China, hoping the new services would help fend off rising competition and help it regain growth momentum. 近期利润下降的中国移动在发展高速4G网络服务上忽得头筹,并期望4G网络需要幸其应付日益白热化的竞争并重回快速增长动能。Smaller rivals China Unicom and China Telecom operate on 3G mobile technology platforms that are widely used globally, which give them access to more popular smartphones. The two companies have sold Apples iPhones for several years but China Mobile only started offering them with the roll-out of its new 4G network in January. 其规模较小的竞争对手中国联通和中国电信使用了全球广泛用于的3G移动技术,这两家公司因此需要与更加热门的智能手机厂家合作。两家公司早已销售苹果iPhone数年,而中国移动在今年1月份发售其4G网络后才开始销售iPhone。

The new joint venture could undermine China Mobiles first-mover advantage in 4G services, analysts said. 分析师称之为,新的合资企业有可能巩固中国移动在4G服务上的先发优势。If all tower assets in China are transferred to this new company, it will help China Telecom and China Unicom to accelerate their 4G network rollout, said Leping Huang, an analyst at Nomura. 野村(Nomura)分析师Leping Huang回应,如果中国全部通信铁塔资产皆移往至这家新的公司名下,那么不受此推展中国电信和中国联通发售4G业务的速度有可能减缓。The number of telecom towers that China Telecom and China Unicom own is only equivalent to 28% and 46% of the towers that China Mobile owns, according to Nomuras estimate. 据野村估计,中国电信和中国联通目前享有的通信铁塔数仅有相等于中国移动通信铁塔数的28%和46%。Analysts said an independent telecom tower company is a common business model in some countries like the U.S, India and Indonesia. A tower company typically will purchase or lease land, build telecom towers and lease the space in the tower to telecom operators. Telecom operators will use the space to install base station equipment they purchase from equipment vendors. 分析师称之为,在美国、印度和印度尼西亚等国,独立国家的通信铁塔公司是一种少见商业模式。

通信铁塔公司一般来说不会出售或租给土地,搭起通信铁塔并将通信铁塔内的空间租赁给电信运营商。运营商将利用这些空间加装从设备供应商那里出售的基站设备。China didnt have an independent tower company in the past. 中国过去没独立国家的通信铁塔公司。

As part of the governments continued effort to promote competition, China Mobile has already suffered from lower interconnection fees that smaller rivals pay for calls to the companys network, beginning this year. Analysts said the savings from the interconnection policy will help fund China Unicom and China Telecoms network upgrade and marketing efforts to further increase its mobile users this year. 中国政府仍然在希望增进竞争,其中一项措施乃是从今年开始上调中联通和中电信向中国移动支付的网间承销费用。分析师称之为,中国联通和中国电信将利用这一政策所节省的费用升级网络、强化营销,以便今年更进一步减少手机用户数量。They added that more policy headwinds are ahead for China Mobile in the coming years. For example, the Chinese government could gradually introduce mobile number portability which enables subscribers to retain their mobile numbers when changing from one carrier to another. This measure is expected to hit China Mobile badly as the mobile giant, with more than 770 million subscribers, controls about 60% of the mobile market in China. 分析师补足道,未来几年中国移动在政策上还将面对更加多阻力。

例如,中国政府有可能逐步引进携号转网功能,即用户需要在替换运营商时保有原号码。预计这一措施将对中国移动包含相当严重压制,该公司用户数多达7.7亿,掌控着中国移动通信市场约60%的份额。China Mobile declined to comment. 中国移动回应不予置评。

