【pg问鼎娱乐】iPhone5s发布 新款创销售纪录
Apple sold 9m of its latest iPhones over the launch weekend, up from 5m last year and a higher number than analysts had expected. 苹果(Apple)在新款iPhone公布后的首个周末共计卖出900万部这种智能手机,低于去年的500万部,也低于分析师早前的预期。The figures, boosted by the inclusion of China in the launch, may ease investors’ concerns over the pricing of the cheaper iPhone and customer response to iOS 7, the most radical makeover of Apple’s mobile operating system in years. 这一数据不受中国被划入亮相市场推展,它有可能有助减轻投资者对于廉价版iPhone定价策略以及顾客对iOS 7(苹果移动操作系统多年来最根本性的一次转变)反应的忧虑。The figures came as Microsoft prepared to launch its latest iPad rival, the Surface 2, and UK retailer Tesco announced its own tablet, the Hudl. Apple is rumoured to be releasing a new iPad next month. 这些数据发布之际,正值微软公司(Microsoft)打算发售与iPad竞争的近期产品Surface 2,英国零售商特易购(Tesco)也宣告了自己的平板电脑Hudl。有传言称之为,苹果将于下月公布新一代iPad产品。
Strong smartphone sales prompted Apple to upgrade its financial guidance for the fourth quarter. It said sales would be “near the high end” of its guidance range of $34bn-$37bn, compared with consensus estimates of $36.1bn, with gross margin at the upper end of its 36 per cent to 37 per cent forecast, which analysts said implied higher than consensus earnings. 智能手机的强大销售数据促成苹果下调了第四季度的财务预期。该公司回应,销售额将相似其340亿至370亿美元预测区间的“高端”,而市场的共识预测值为361亿美元;毛利率也将正处于该公司得出的36%至37%预测区间的高端,分析师回应这意味著苹果的利润将低于市场共识预期。
More than 200m people had upgraded their existing iPhones to iOS 7, Apple said. That is twice as many as downloaded its predecessor in its first few days a year ago, when Apple suffered a backlash against its new Maps app. 苹果回应,多达2亿人将自己现有的iPhone升级到了iOS 7操作系统。这相等于一年前iOS 6新的发售后几天内下载量的两倍,当时苹果的新地图应用于大不受抨击。
Tim Cook, Apple chief executive, hailed the company’s “best iPhone launch yet” with “a new record for first weekend sales”. 苹果首席执行官蒂姆库克(Tim Cook)掌声称之为,这是该公司“目前为止最篮的iPhone新品公布”,并创下了“公布后首个周末的销售纪录”。Analysts at Barclays said that Apple rarely, if ever, updated its sales guidance before the end of a quarter, sending a confident signal and implying that its forecast of 29m iPhone sales for the period may be conservative. 巴克莱(Barclays)的分析师回应,苹果很少在季末之前下调销售提示,因此此举收到一个充满信心的信号,并指出该公司得出的第四季度销售2900万台iPhone的预测也许过分激进。Barclays said in a note to clients yesterday: “We had thought the iPhone number would be smaller given the breadth of the rollout to new geographies and the limited supply stemming from difficulty in assembling the phone with the fingerprint sensor – but this doesn’t seem to be the case.” 巴克莱在昨日发给客户的一份备忘录中写到:“我们曾指出,iPhone的销售数据将高于当前水平,因为划入亮相的新市场数量较较少,而装配具有指纹识别器的手机可玩性较小,进而造成供应有限——但实际情况或许并非如此。” The iPhone 5s, which includes a fingerprint reader and new gold colour, has been in short supply since Friday’s launch, while the plastic 5c is still available for a cheaper $99, with a contract in the US. iPhone 5s含有指纹识别装置,并有一款金色的新机型。
金色款自上周五亮相以来仍然缺货。而塑料机身的5c依然有货,其在美国的合约价比较较低,为99美元。Analysts had been concerned after the 5c’s unveiling this month that its unsubsidised price of $550 in the US, and $700 in China, would be too expensive to win over new customers in emerging markets. Apple sold 2m iPhone 5 units in China on the first day there. 分析师们在5c本月面世之后仍然担忧,其无合约版在美国高达550美元、在中国高达700美元的定价,对于在新兴市场谋求新的顾客来说也许过分便宜。
苹果的iPhone 5在中国上市首日共计卖出了200万台。Apple shares were 3.8 per cent higher at $485.06 in afternoon New York trading. 苹果股价在纽约股市午盘交易时段下跌了3.8%,至485.06美元。